“Wake up!” blasts the shofar, our ancient, animalistic alarm clock. It’s time. Time to take all your interpersonal drama, your inner turmoil, your spiritual angst and put it under a microscope. “Not now,” you grumble, hitting the snooze button. But the shofar is smarter than your smartphone. It blasts again, refusing to be silent, pushing you into wakefulness.

Each year, we’re startled by the sound of the shofar. It’s the High Holidays again? Already? This year, with so many of our routines in upheaval, so much uncertainty about the future, we can find meaning by looking backwards before moving forward. 

In this collection, we’ll share reflections and rituals to help you meet this moment with acceptance of the things - and the people - we may not be able to change. And, we’ll invite you to find places to hold yourself - and those around you - accountable for making change. We’re all entering 5781, dancing on the head of a pin. How you balance courage with surrender and empowerment with grace is up to you!

From Seeker Season Guidebook for the Curious & Courageous https://highholidaysathome.com/haggadah/seeker-season

Booklet Section: Introduction