In tasting bread, we remember the hungry. May there be a day when no human being suffers the pain and desolation of hunger. May the bounty we enjoy help us to bring to fruition the vision of a  besere un a shenere velt, a better and more beautiful world.

Naomi Prawer Kadar,   Shabbes   , (Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring, 1995)


We rejoice in our heritage that teaches us to love our earth that gives us wheat and to honor the farmers who grow it and the workers who make it into bread.

Ashreinu b'yerushateinu she'morah lanu le'ehuv et ha'adama, matsmikhat dagan,
u'l'khabed et ha'ikar ha'motsi lekhem min ha'aretz v'et hapo'el hao'ofeh khalot.

Mir freyen zich mit undzer yerusheh vos hot undz oysgelernt
az mir zoln lib hobn undzer erd vos git undz veytz,
oon dermant undz opgebn koved di vos akern dos erd oon
kooltivirn dem veytz, oon di arbeter vos bakn undz dos broit

Judith Seid,   We Rejoice in Our Heritage: Home Rituals for Secular Jews


B'rukhim hakhayim baolam.
Blessed be the life in the world.
B'rukhim hakhayim baadama.
Blessed be the life in the earth.
B'rukhim hamotsim lekhem minhaorets.
Blessed are those who bring forth bread from the earth.

Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine

Booklet Section: Challah Blessing 
Source: Prepared by Bennett Muraskin, Jewish Cultural School and Society