What you have before you is a treasure trove of traditonal Eastern European ancestral practices. 

Whether or not your ancestors were Ashkenazi, this booklet lays the groundwork for some possible ways to connect with them—primarily through the spontaneous prayers known as tkhines. In the month before Rosh Hashanah, it's traditional to visit the burial sites of our ancestors, where Eastern European women used to measure the graves with thread to create candles on erev Yom Kippur.

Those of us today without access to our ancestral graves have the option, as described in this booklet, of measuring other ancestral objects and pouring the energy of our tkhines into that thread. 

May these practices bring you closer to the ancestral connection you long for. 

Booklet Section: New Year Blessings, Prayers for Healing & Peace, Elul Blessings, Prayers, Prayers of Remembrance, Psalms, Poetry & Songs