Welcome to Elul, the last month of the Hebrew calendar year. The word Elul works as an acrostic for the Hebrew passage Ani l’dodi, vli’dodi’ li: “I am your beloved, and the beloved is mine.”

This passage reminds us that the Divine is in all the aspects of the world and ourselves. We are each other. From this consciousness springs our compassion.

This month kicks off our annual chance to look inward — individually, yet in the presence of our assembled community. We get ready to account for all that has not served us, and begin the work of repairing a fractured mind and a fearful heart. The time is now to reflect on all the moments in this past year when we have “missed the mark.” Don’t miss this opportunity to return to yourself. This is
the first step; take it with your best foot forward.

Themes of Elul
• Listening for the call
• Spiritual accounting
• Return to self
• Readying for deep, compassionate forgiveness

Explore more ways to engage with Elul through journaling, recipes, art, poetry and meditation in At the Well's Elul Moon Manual.

Booklet Section: Elul Blessings 
Source: https://www.atthewellproject.com/moon-manuals-all