Oh Divine Rainmaker: 

Remember our ancestors who flowed to You like water. 

You blessed them like trees planted by streams of water.

You rescued them from fire and water. 

For the sake of our ancestors, do not keep back water.

Remember Rebecca, who drew water from the well at Nahor.

Who in hospitality for the stranger shared water.

In kindness for people and animals, she filled her jars with water. 

For Rebecca’s sake, do not keep back water.


Remember Moses, who was drawn in a reed basket out of the Nile’s water.

Who helped Jethro’s daughters: He drew water and gave the sheep water.

He struck the rock and out came water.

For Moses’ sake do not hold back water!


Turn to us, God, who are surrounded by troubles like water.

For our community’s sake, do not hold back water.

You are HaMakom, our God, our Source.

Who causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall.

For blessing and not for curse. Amen.

For life and not for death. Amen.

For plenty and not for lack. Amen.

Booklet Section: Sukkot & Simchat Torah