Happy New Year! Traditionally, the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is a time of introspection and reflection. How did we do in the past year? What are we hoping to change in the coming year? During this meal we will rejoice in being together, and think back on the year that was, and forward to the year that will be. 

People have celebrated Rosh Hashanah with a festive gathering since Talmudic times. Weaving together symbolic foods with the familiar structure of a seder helps us start the new year mindfully. During this brief seder, we’ll make four toasts together and find opportunities for blessing and reflection. Each toast is centered on a way of understanding Rosh Hashanah - as a day of reawakening, of judgment, of remembrance and of recreation. 

While we are unfortunately distanced physically, we can and will be together spiritually.  This Rosh HaShanah Seder was compiled lovingly in the hopes of providing you and your family an opportunity to learn together, to play together and of course to eat together.  Inside you will find art projects, readings, reflection questions, recipes and stories.  

We at Adat Ari El would like to wish you all Chag Samech!

Shanah Tovah U’Metukah (a happy and sweet new year)!

The staff at Adat Ari El.

Booklet Section: Introduction