"What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world.” —Albert Einstein

Like people, the Universe has a birthday and it falls on Rosh Hashanah. And like our birthdays, it’s a moment for us to dwell in a moment of renewal and recreation. We open ourselves up and rewrite our stories and our aspirations for the next year. 

In this past year, what thing, ritual, tradition, or hobby were you "forced" to create that brought you joy?  In this past year, what negative thing, ritual, tradition, or hobby have you given up or destroyed?  How has this new creation impacted your life and the lives around you?  What are you looking forward to creating next year?

Blessing of Creation 
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha’olam, oseh maasei v’reishit. 
We praise You, Eternal God, Spirit of the universe, who makes the works of creation. 

Booklet Section: New Year Blessings 
Source: Custom &Craft, MB