September 22, 2020

Events to Celebrate the High Holidays with Our Partners

Posted by Recustom

For those looking to celebrate the High Holiday season in the digital communal space, many of our partners are offering ways to connect. 

Secular Synagogue is offering interactive preparation throughout Elul and online programming during the High Holidays with Rabbi Denise Handlarski:

The Pop-Up Shul, in collaboration with the Silverlake Independent JCC has a series of live-on-Zoom events led by Deanna Neil for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well as a guided Tashlich meditation:

Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute is celebrating the High Holidays with earth-honoring communal ritual and prayer. Priestesses will guide us in chant, embodied practice, Torah reading and more to usher in the New Year. Register at:

the Den Collective is gathering online for Days of Awe[some], contemplative & holistic services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Bonus: DC-area residents will find in-person shofar blasts! Learn more here:

Hillel and Reboot have collaborate on Higher Holidays, an epic global celebration for college students featuring Broadway performers, Hollywood screenwriters, artists, musicians and more. Sign up at:

Lab/Shul has created Shuvu, a prophetic call to moral repair, reckon, repent and return to our essence that's multi-faith/multi-racial, God-optional, everybody-friendly, all-ages and artist-driven. Learn more here:

IKAR has High Holy Day services that will be live streamed on their site and on Facebook Live from the West Coast. Learn more here:

TribeHerald is sharing inclusive JOC-led services for Rosh Hashanah 5781, led by Rabbi Shais Rishon, classes, music, and more. Admission is free, with a suggested minimum donation of $18 to offset costs:

Jewish Boston offers Rosh Hashanah cookalongs, story time, streamed holiday services and a community-wide Rosh Hashanah seder:

Reform Judaism has created a new interactive website with ways to reflect, reconnect and renew this holiday season:

Synagogue Connect offers young adults ages 18-30 the opportunity to attend free High Holiday services at synagogues from across the denominational spectrum, including in-person and virtual offerings:


SVIVAH is offering a digital, communal month of prayer for Elul: and an evening of Remembering Together with Yael Flusberg:

OROT: The Center for New Jewish Living presents Seeds of Renewal: Teachings from the Natural World on September 13. Register at

Joyous Justice is sharing a 5-Day Racial Justice Challenge, led by April Baskin and Tracie Guy-Decker. Sign up at:

18Doors is welcoming engaged or newly-married couples who are interfaith to Our Year of Firsts, an opportunity to explore the deeper meaning behind Jewish holidays, create new traditions together and meet other interfaith couples: